1 hour/ 1 paint can project!

We found this at Deseret Industries thrift store.  It's a good multi-functional piece that can be used in various rooms for various purposes.  Nightstand, tv stand, entry table, etc.  liz posted this on Instagram and did this project in real time to show what an hour and a can of spray paint can do!

I can of Valspar "La Fonda Mirage"
  Who's picturing Kip right now waiting outside a bus for his true love "La Fonda"?
 (Napolean Dynamite forever!:))

One hour!
With time to spare for styling it.

Love that gold is back!

Liz found this gal at a yard sale and bought it to kindly give to me since I had been looking for one.
She made the mistake of putting her on her dresser when she got home and decided to selfishly keep her.  Whatevs!  She painted her the same color as the nightstand.

We love it! 
Little time.
Little money.
BIG Improvement!